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/ HyperLib 1997 Winter - Disc 1 / HYPERLIB-1997-Winter-CD1.ISO.7z / HYPERLIB-1997-Winter-CD1.ISO / オンラインウェア / MLT / CADintosh 2.6 US PD folder.sit / CADintosh 2.6 US PD folder / Documentation (US).srd.rsrc / PICT_13.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1996-02-16  |  101KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
OCR: CADintosh Introduction .1.16 Pen Clickingthe penproducesa menufrom whichthe desiredpen maybe selected 2.1.17 Width Afterclickingon thecurrentwidth, the new penwidthcan be enteredin the entry line (This appliesto the IndividuaModeonly.) 2.1.18 Style To changethel linestyle, clickon theline: symboland Iselectthedesiredoptionsfrom thepopupmenu 2.1.1 Layer CADintoshllows up to 1024layersin drawing A practica luse of layers is to separatethe various elementsof drawing e.s indiv idua lcomponents,d imensions. and textures into theirown layers for easeof selectionand editing Steps: Clickthel layersymbol Entera layernumber(0. 1023) Clicka referencee ement (av apa .1.20 Tpour xtupipypouiov navs aop oWyvditiy GEWE 2a EytemtypoUVUBep(0. 32000) 23 JeXA3d 1X30g TntBayoueotneyvppevpoui NOte VOVO YpoUJ. A ...